
Cinnamic alcohol

FormulaMI NumberCAS NumberC.I.Number

MI: Merck Index Number
CAS: Chemical Abstract Service Registry Number
C.I.: Chemical Index Number


Cinnamic alcohol is a naturally occuring fragrance found in resins and balsams. It is used as a fragrance and flavoring agent for its odor of hyacinth.
Cinnamic alcohol is prepared synthetically by the reduction of cinnamic aldehyde. It is found in the free state or as an ester in cinnamon leaves, hyacinth, essence of daffodil flowers, and various other resins and balsams. The International Fragrance Research Association recommends that it be used in a concentration less than 4% because of its sensitizing ability.
The enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, present in human skin can convert the cinnamic alcohol to cinnamic aldehyde.

Beschreibung (ger)

Zimtalkohol kommt in parfümierten kosmetischen Produkten vor und wird als Aromastoff benutzt.


Cinnamic alcohol
Cinnamyl alcohol
Styryl carbionol
g-Phenylallyl alcohol


Cosmetics ‹ particularly soap, deoderants, perfumes and detergents blends, toothpaste
Foods ‹ chewing gum, cola
Sanitary napkins


Balsam Peru

Unusual Reactions



1. Larsen, W.G., Perfume dermatitis. a study of 20 patients. Archives of Dermatology, 1977. 113(5): p. 623-6.
2. Malten, K.E., et al., Reactions in selected patients to 22 fragrance materials. Contact Dermatitis, 1984. 11(1): p. 1-10.
3. Emmons, W.W. and J.G. Marks, Jr., Immediate and delayed reactions to cosmetic ingredients. Contact Dermatitis, 1985. 13(4): p. 258-65.
4. Nethercott, J.R., G. Nield, and D.L. Holness, A review of 79 cases of eyelid dermatitis. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 1989. 21(2 Pt 1): p. 223-30.
5. Basketter, D.A., Skin sensitization to cinnamic alcohol: the role of skin metabolism. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 1992. 72(4): p. 264-5.
6. Manzur, F., F. el Sayed, and J. Bazex, Contact allergy to cinnamic aldehyde and cinnamic alcohol in Oleophytal. Contact Dermatitis, 1995. 32(1): p. 55.

This information originates from 

Trey Truett, MD